
Best and worst of WWE RAW- Unexpected Champion crowned, Former alliance ends?

How do you guys like Liv Morgan's brand new look?
How do you guys like Liv Morgan's brand new look?

Based on whether or not you read the spoilers that came out last week, I'm guessing RAW was either a breeze for you to sit through or a chore. Those who had read the spoilers already knew about the big twist at the end that was certainly worth watching the show for.

Without further ado, let's dive straight into the best and worst of RAW this week, ladies and gentlemen. Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the show or if you did not particularly care for it.

In any case, be sure to rate all the matches from RAW at this link, and let me know what you thought about the show right below. The comments section is where you and I can interact and talk wrestling.

And before I begin, Happy Holidays!

#1 Best: Samoa Joe refuses to get bullied

I think I speak for everyone when I say that Samoa Joe has been doing a really commendable job on commentary. While Vic Joseph is your typical WWE announcer, who's decent at his job and Jerry Lawler just seems outdated at times, Samoa Joe brings a slick and cool voice to the booth, almost speaking for the fans.

I think I speak for everyone once again when I say that the angle that happened at the end of the show with Samoa Joe refusing to budge even when the heels came his way was a definite highlight. The fact that he got physical is indicative of the fact that he is probably cleared and that is great news.

We have seen Samoa Joe as a heel thus far and he has been great in the role. Now, let us see how good he can be as a babyface with an edge.

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