
Best and Worst of WWE SmackDown- Top Stars missing, Champion used as enhancement talent

There was some good and some bad on WWE SmackDown
There was some good and some bad on WWE SmackDown

A lot of us assumed that there would be a major change in WWE's presentation once SmackDown moved to the FOX Network. That is not the case at all, as we saw a very regular episode of Friday Night SmackDown.

If there was a major dip from Week 1 to Week 2, with big names present, I fully expect there to be a bigger dip in Week 3. I do hope that I am wrong, but there's no way that this week's episode was any more eventful than last week's show.

And that is the central issue with a lot of WWE's programming. It does not feel like a show that you have to catch when it airs live, like say The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, and you'd be content to catch it at your own convenience.

That said, there was an equal dose of good and bad on this week's show!

#1 Best: Nikki Cross vs. Bayley

One could argue that Nikki Cross is no longer the cool character that she used to be in NXT, with her whole unhinged persona and her alliance with the SAnitY faction. But now, she's even stepped out of the shadow of Alexa Bliss and is the Number 1 contender who's slated to face Bayley for the SmackDown Women's Championship.

I wonder if Alexa Bliss will be content to play sidekick or if indeed, she will have a problem with Nikki Cross stealing her spotlight. One thing that is for sure is that we are in for some great sports entertainment action over the next few weeks.

Bayley vs. Cross feels like a fresh feud and should give us many memorable moments. I wonder how far up Nikki Cross' ceiling is!

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