
Best and worst of WWE SmackDown- Top Superstar misses the show, Extremely strange pairing  

This was certainly a very strange episode of WWE SmackDown
This was certainly a very strange episode of WWE SmackDown

Everything about this week's episode of WWE SmackDown was strange. The good parts were strange in a good way and the bad parts were strange in a bad way, in my opinion at least.

As we build to WWE TLC, we learned a few of the matches that will be on the show and the storylines progressed, which was certainly a very good thing. But at the same time, a lot of things happened that left me scratching my head, wondering what the purpose of the whole episode really was.

So, let us begin with a 'best and worst' analysis of the entire episode. As always, I invite you guys to leave a comment and let me know what aspects of the show you enjoyed and what parts you weren't necessarily fans of.

Also, you may leave a comment and a rating for your favorite SmackDown matches here.

#1 Best: Getting personal with The Miz

This week's episode of SmackDown played out like a horror movie in parts, with Bray Wyatt playing mind-games with The Miz. We also saw The Miz being confirmed as The Fiend's opponent for TLC in the absence of Daniel Bryan, who missed the show.

The mystery of what happened to Daniel Bryan is a pretty cool one and I'm also glad that we got to see Firefly Fun House Bray Wyatt in action for the very first time, this week. I'm glad that we're getting to see the duality of The Fiend's character and WWE is keeping things very interesting.

The whole world knows about The Miz's family thanks to Miz and Mrs. and they also know just how much they mean to the man. And so, for things to become so personal makes this a compelling feud to watch for fans.

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