
Best and worst of WWE TLC 2017

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Examining what worked and what did not, across this pay-per-view

Only a few days ago, this pay-per-view seemed far less exciting than it eventually turned out to be, when all was said and done. Sadly, it was a viral outbreak that forced WWE to take necessary precautions and take some decisions that made TLC a pretty solid show.

There were very few 'worsts' throughout the night. There are some aspects that we felt that we had to list out, as they could have a bearing over the course of the following few months. We've listed everything we liked and disliked through the course of the show, for your convenience.

We present, as is tradition, the best and worst of WWE TLC.

#1 Best: Match of the year?

Much like we expected, this match lived up to the hype
Much like we expected, this match lived up to the hype

As disappointing as it is to hear about superstars falling ill, the recent viral outbreak gave us a very interesting matchup at TLC. The two Leaders of the Bullet Club collided for the first time ever. The outcome was just 'too sweet', honestly.

AJ Styles and Finn Balor took each other to the limit. Before they even locked up, the WWE Universe was already chanting 'this is awesome'. We even feel that the decision of Balor going over was the right one, considering the 'demon' persona had to be protected.

What made the match a modern day classic is the fact that after all was said and done, the two men got up and showed each other a sign of mutual respect. We're certain that we haven't seen the last of them, inside the ring.

It would have been cool to see 'The Club' play a role in the outcome of the match in some ways, but in some other ways, this was simply outstanding.

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