
Best Entrances of 2016

Undertaker’s Entrances; always an integral part of his persona

2016 has been a monumental year for WWE. The largest Wrestlemania ever, followed by the Brand Split that has changed the landscape of WWE. Accompanying the main roster pay-per-views were the stupendous NXT Takeovers.

We have also had wrestlers debuting, returning or making it to the main roster and all those moments were priceless. Wrestlers’ entrances are one of the integral parts of the connect between them and the fans.

When done right, the entrance sets the mood for the match. With great theme songs, pyros or various special effects, the performer's ability to capture the moment makes an entrance timeless.

Since Wrestlemania 32 was the biggest event in the history of the company, most of the entries in the list are going to be from that show. The extra budget, the wrestlers’ excitement to shine on the grandest stage and the crowd being completely into it made these entrances special.

So without further ado... LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!

Honourable mentions

These entrances were surprise returns or debuts so WWE didn’t prepare them in any spectacular fashion for them to make it to our main list. These were the moments that generated a great pop out of the fans, however.

Nikki Bella at Summerslam: When the six-woman tag match was one short at Summerslam this year, the Fearless Bella made a return after being sidelined for almost a year due to a neck injury. This entrance got people pumped up and interested in the women’s match.

Bayley at Battleground: When Sasha Banks had to find a partner to go against Charlotte Flair and Dana Brooke, she turned to none other than Bayley. People were expecting her to show up, but there was some doubt in their minds. WWE played their cards right by delaying the big reveal and letting the fans anticipate.

#10 Shane McMahon on Raw

22nd February 2016, here comes the money!

Probably the biggest surprise of 2016. This return breathed some much needed fresh air into the stale WWE programming. Monday Night RAW just lit up. ‘Here comes the Money’ played in the arena and the audience just lost it.

Also watch: Video: Top 10 Wrestlemania entrances

Shane McMahon, entered the arena back-stepping in his suit and Jordans to confront his father and sister. He didn’t look like he was away from the WWE for even a single moment, either when he was on the stage or while he walked down the ramp.

The ‘Yes’ chants, the ‘Shane O’Mac’ chants, reverberated through the Joe Lewis Area in Detroit. People welcomed him as a messiah who had come to rescue them.

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