Best shows to watch on the WWE Network: November 11 to 17

The WWE Network features a vast array of wrestling content fit to satiate the appetite of any member of the WWE Universe. From anthologies to old PPVs to brand new original content, the company's subscription-based service has a little something for everybody.
In this brand new series, we'll be looking at some of the best shows to check out on the WWE Network each and every week. From the explosive action given to us every Wednesday, to the documentary style shows spread throughout the week, there's quite a lot to pick from on the company's streaming service.
This week, we begin our countdown with my favorite show on the WWE Network.
#5 205 Live: November 14th, 2018

If you haven't given 205 Live a chance yet, this would be the week to start. The Cruiserweights captivated a live audience with an action-packed show, which aired on November 14th. While the WWE Universe was treated to a fun opening tag match, pitting Drew Gulak & Jack Gallagher against the newly turned face The Brian Kendrick and his longtime rival Akira Tozawa, the real money lied in the main event.
After surviving on 205 Live for months without being pinned or submitted, Bobby Lashley's manager Lio Rush stepped up to face his greatest challenge yet; The Age of Alexander.
The Man of the Hour took on former Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander who, at the time, was in the middle of a 3-match losing streak. Both Alexander and Rush possess incredible speed that makes them tough to keep up with, and watching the two of them attempt to outmaneuver and counter each other was fascinating.
205 Live always delivers with a stellar main event, and this week's episode was no exception. If you don't watch the cruiserweights on Wednesday nights and find yourself wondering what the big deal is regarding Lio Rush, you'll find your answer here.
As always, we cover the results of 205 Live each and every week here at Sportskeeda!