
Best and worst of WWE SmackDown- Interesting trade from RAW, Major upset 

This week's episode of SmackDown was a really fun show
This week's episode of SmackDown was a really fun show

Yes, I actually thought that SmackDown this week, delivered on a lot of fronts with fun matches and a really quick pace. However, as we have seen in the past, we all know that alone is not enough to secure a strong viewership.

The mainstream audience that watches RAW and SmackDown really needs compelling storylines and while I think that SmackDown is doing a decent job in that regard, there is a clear lack of star power with Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn missing right now. So, one can see why the trades that are happening are being made.

I would like to present the best and worst of SmackDown for your reading pleasure and I do hope that you will take the time to chime in with your valuable comments in the section below, valued reader.

#1 Best: AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura tear it up on SmackDown

The contest between AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura had been built up in a really big way for WrestleMania and when the match finally happened, a lot of people were underwhelmed. I would have to say that the match on SmackDown was far better, in my opinion at least, and while it was obvious from the start that AJ Styles would win the match and likely, the whole tournament, it was good for what it was.

I would have loved to see a program between AJ Styles and Drew McIntyre, but I am guessing that at this point in time, SmackDown needs strong heels not named King Corbin a lot more than RAW does. Plus, it also opens up the question of which SmackDown Superstar could be traded to RAW and just maybe, someone like Shinsuke Nakamura could make a brand new start away from Cesaro and Sami Zayn.

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