
Big Show returns to WWE RAW, attacks Randy Orton

Last night on Monday Night RAW, Randy Orton, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon embraced in a group hug before McMahon said that Orton is everyone’s champion. He is what the rest of the super stars aspire to be.

Orton grabbed the microphone and said that having the WWE title simply makes him better than everyone.

All of a sudden, Big Show’s music hit, as he busted through the rest of the roster and quickly went to the ring.

Big Show went after Orton, McMahon and Triple H, who immediately cleared the ring upon his arrival.

Big Show picked up the microphone and said he doesn’t care about the restraining order placed on him by the Authority.

Big Show then said that his lawsuit is going to cost the McMahons millions of dollars and that he doesn’t care because he has nothing to lose.

Orton somehow slithered into the ring and hit Big Show with the WWE title belt.

With Big Show down, Triple H jumped back on the apron as he demanded Orton finish Big Show.

Big Show responded by knocking out Orton, leaving just him and Triple H again. Triple H took his jacket and tie off as if he was going to jump into the ring to fight, but decided to back off with the advice of his wife.

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