
3 Botches You Missed This Week On Monday Night Raw (May 20th, 2019)

The fall out from Money In The Bank was definitely interesting!
The fall out from Money In The Bank was definitely interesting!

The fallout from Money in the Bank in WWE was always going to be explosive and this week on Raw it certainly didn't disappoint. Mick Foley was on hand to unveil the new 24/7 Championship, which is basically a re-run of The Hardcore Championship that WWE once allowed to be defended on a 24/7 basis.

The build towards both Stomping Grounds on June 23rd and Super Showdown on June 7th began. But once again, when the pressure is on, the mistakes come in thick and fast and there were a number of botches last night as part of the show.

Here are some of the most interesting botches that were televised on Monday Night Raw from Albany, New York last night.

#3. Mick Foley's unveiling

Mick Foley unveiled the new 24/7 Championship last night
Mick Foley unveiled the new 24/7 Championship last night

Mick Foley is no stranger to botches, the former Champion had quite the reputation when he was General Manager and famously had to write his promos on his hand because he couldn't remember all of his lines.

Last night on Raw WWE put their faith in the former General Manager as he unveiled the company's newest belt and he botched it. Foley was holding the title throughout his promo and was unable to keep it covered, it was shown that the belt was green from the beginning and led to the point that Foley officially unveiled the title and there was no reaction from the crowd at all.

A 24/7 Championship is a fantastic idea since now a title can change hands at any time of the day or night, but it seems that many fans already feel that there are too many titles in the company and the unveiling of this belt was definitely underwhelming.

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