Brock Lesnar spots "Asian" Kevin Owens, Owens talks WrestleMania dream match, hot Noelle Foley pics

- Mr. Foley's baby girl, Noelle Foley, caught up with Kevin Owens at San Diego Comic Con last week, which you can watch in the video below. Owens was asked if fans dress up like him, and Owens noted that Brock Lesnar spotted an "Asian Kevin Owens" at WWE's Beast In The East event in Tokyo earlier this month.
"Did you see the Asian Kevin Owens in the front row?" Lesnar asked Owens after he came to the back following his match with Kofi Kingston. "You should look for him."
When asked about his dream WrestleMania opponent, Owens admitted that he is "partial to Brock Lesnar." He said that he can't say that he'd beat Lesnar, but "it would be fun trying."
- Speaking of Noelle, she has been posting some hot photos on her Instagram lately, you can check some of them out below: