5 things we should expect from Brock Lesnar vs Big Show at Royal Rumble 2014

The twist
None of the WWE fans would’ve forgotten the way Brock Lesnar and Big Show made the squared circle collapse almost a decade back. And after all those years of going in different paths, the two men are going to lock horns again at Royal Rumble.
Many didn’t expect Lesnar to re-ignite the feud with Show when he returned and crossed paths with Mark Henry. A match between Henry and Lesnar seemed to be well set before the creative decided to throw in a big surprise.
Show out of nowhere become relevant in the company as he became the guy who throwed Brock Lesnar around. For a man who was been shuttled between main event and midcard, being pitted against a top name like Lesnar was clearly a boost. Though Lesnar’s agenda is the unified championship, for now the he has drawn the battle lines against Big Show which will culminate at the Royal Rumble. So here is a look at the things that can be expected from the feud.
The Buildup- The hate magnet called Paul Heyman

Verbal treat
Apart from the evil wrestling genius who created Extreme Championship Wrestling, Heyman is also known for his ability to make the fans boo him. The pairing of Heyman and Lesnar might arguably be the one of the best decisions that the creative did in the past few years.
The verbal power of Heyman coupled with Lesnar’s in ring domination is a powerful combination and one can’t imagine how stale Lesnar would look if he didn’t have Heyman on his side.
The most valuable non wrestler in the company last year, Heyman is going to be the guy responsible to make the feud more heat with his microphone skills and letting the wrestler have a solid foundation to work on.
The Buildup – Big Show getting the upper hand on occasions

The short momentum
The first of this list happened last week on Raw as Show just swirled the beast around the mat. Expect more of this so that the creative could show that Big Show is actually a credible opponent for Lesnar. This is an important factor as the giant comes into the feud with minimal momentum.
Knocking out Heyman or getting a punch on Lesnar would be a great buildup for the match. Lesnar is unlikely to cause more problems as he has already broken Mark Henry’s arm. Show will be the savior of some more wrestlers and the WWE will go any extent to make him look as a menace to the former UFC star. Show is limelight bound in the buildup and it will be actually good to see him dominating in a buildup after all what went down.