Cewsh Scouts NXT 2013: The Mentionables
Well boys and girls, it’s been fun. You came to the Cewsh Institute for Careful Observation and Contextual Knowledge and over the past week you really went to town. You really pumped it for all that it’s worth. You…what’s that? We’re in danger of losing our PG-13 rating? Oh fine.
What I’m trying to say is that over the past week we’ve been sharing with you our analytic insight on the top talents working in NXT, WWE‘s developmental promotion. We’ve shown you some guaranteed stars, and some that aren’t even guaranteed a parking space, and all around it’s been a rollicking good time for everyone. But all good things do eventually have to come to an end, and today we cover the third and final installment of Cewsh Scouts NXT 2013.
Once again we will be judging these men and women on skills as well as their apparent readiness to fit in on the main roster and make a name for themselves. Grades will be assigned to represent their potential at this point, and today’s wrestlers reviewed will be those that aren’t champions and aren’t on the verge of being called up. Hell, they might be downright miscellaneous. But we love them anyway. Joining me one last time are my fellow questers into the jowls of judgement, Artie, Dennis and Psycho. So let’s not delay. Bring on that sweet, sweet learnin’!
Connor O’Brian
- Big
- Cool coat
- N/A
- Boring promos
- Boring matches
- Boring promos and matches
Last Year’s Analysis:
Cewsh: N/A
Cewsh’s Prospect Grade: N/A
Ready For Main Roster: N/A
Cewsh: On his own, Connor O’Brian is basically the Boogeyman without the fun.
Let that sink in for a minute.
I know that this entry is going to sound mean, and I would like to point out that I have nothing against the man and he may very well be capable of changing my mind. It happens all the time. But here’s the book on Connor:
He has great size, and an interesting look, though he just doesn’t seem to fit his gimmick as this gothic weirdo the way that the other members of the Ascension have. In his years in wrestling, he’s always had the reputation for being someone whose look wasn’t quite there, and whose matches were a great excuse to take up a new hobby, such as self face stabbing for example. This hasn’t changed. And while he is perfectly fine in a tag team where he can just do power moves from time to time and be protected by his partner, WWE is not a tag team heavy promotion. Eventually he would have to set out on his own. And, yeah. He won’t.
Cewsh’s Prospect Grade: D
Ready For Main Roster: No
Dennis: O’Brian is very imposing and scary. He has a tremendous presence about him. He’s another one who uses little things/mannerisms to really get across his character. Things like the disturbing little head-flick he does. “TSST!”. And the mighty roar, by god. He is scary. Besides a few unique spots, though, he’s rather basic in the ring. As of right now he requires his Ascension tag team partner (at this time, it’s Rick Victor) to really feed off of and be a complete package. He has the potential for future singles stardom for sure, though.
Dennis’ Prospect Grade: C+
Ready For Main Roster: Almost, not quite. Missing… something to make him a complete package on his own.
Psycho: I’ll start by saying Conor O’Brian is physically intimidating and has a muscular figure that trumps most of the roster. The problem is he’s always been a mixed bag of success. The Ascension gimmick is something fresh for the era, but his performance often comes out cheesy. As a wrestler, he’s a hard-knocks brawler that is fun with a worthy opponent, but he was much more entertaining when he had a partner in crime. Let’s get on with this supposed pairing with Rick Victor so the Ascension can rise…again!
Psycho’s Prospect Grade: C+
Ready For Main Roster: No