Chris Jericho on which WWE theme has the worst lyrics, Shawn Michaels talks 'Attitude Era', More

- In the video below, Chris Jericho talks to Brian Soscia of BeneathTheMat.com about his latest book, The Best In The World At What I Do.
- Jericho also recently spoke to A.V. Club about his hatred for Rednex's song, Cotton Eye Joe, which he calls "a tractor beam of s--t." During the interview, Jericho was asked which wrestler's theme would make his hate song list.
"Probably Ass Man, by Billy Gunn," Jericho replied. "[Sings.] 'I like to stick 'em. I like to lick 'em. I like to fix 'em. I like to hit 'em.' Go online and read the lyrics to Ass Man by Billy Gunn because it's the worst set of lyrics ever."
- The Christian Post has an interview with Shawn Michaels at this link, who was promoting his new book, Wrestling For My Life. During the interview, Michaels talked about his faith turning his life around. He also talked about wrestling always being more of a PG product than it was the Attitude Era.
"It was very successful and lucrative for the guys in it at that time but when wrestling first went sort of mainstream so to speak in the 80s, with Hulk Hogan in it, that was certainly more PG than it was Attitude Era," said Michaels. "I would say that way back when in the 50s when it was again on at primetime it was the Gorgeous George era, it was more, certainly more realistic but it wasn't Attitude Era.
"People talk about the Attitude Era as if it was some kind of longstanding, it was a four-year run out of a line of work that's been around for fifty-plus years."