Chris Jericho responds to Randy Orton's tweet on Jake The Snake Roberts' AEW appearance

Jake the Snake Roberts showed up on AEW Dynamite and possibly cut one of the best promos of the year so far. Roberts looked to be at his very best as he hinted that he was a manager for a star who was on his way to Dynamite. The segment seemed to get a lot of responses, including one from Randy Orton.
Orton tweeted out a video of him hitting Jake The Snake with an RKO back in 2005, with Chris Jericho in the background. That seemed to catch Jericho's attention. He responded to the tweet by thanking Orton for watching AEW Dynamite and also mocked his own outfit from the 2005 segment.
As written earlier, Roberts' appearance is in line with how AEW has handled other legends who have appeared on screen like Tully Blanchard, Arn Anderson, and Diamond Dallas Page. They have all been given substantial roles and are part of the show without becoming the focus of it.
Roberts' presence in AEW would certainly be a boost for the men and women wrestling in the promotion. He is considered one of the greatest wrestling minds of all time and he's up there with the very best. It'll be interesting to see how AEW uses him going forward.