CM Punk provides update, R-Truth credits cameraman for wrestling career
- The National has an interview with R-Truth here, who was promoting the upcoming WWE shows in Abu Dhabi in October. During the interview, Truth discussed getting his start in pro wrestling.
“I originally wanted to be a rapper and musician,” said Truth. “But a guy called Jackie Crockett, who was a senior cameraman for WWE, saw me and convinced me I had a lot more talent than this. He said: ‘You do music, you rap and dance, and you love wrestling. You … have all this athletic ability. I think you’d be a great, great wrestler.’ For once in my life, I actually listened to this guy and the rest is history.”
- CM Punk posted this update on his Twitter today:
I am exactly where I belong. No desire to be anywhere else. #thankyouverymuch
— CM Punk (@CMPunk) May 22, 2013