
CM Punk tops Power Rankings

The recent edition of the ESPN Power Rankings saw CM Punk take the number 1 position followed by Brock and Del Rio. Mark Henry and Chris Jericho occupied the next two spots.

The absence of The Rock in RAW led to his rankings slip to the 10th and Cena still continues in the 8th position.

Speaking of Punk, he has gone a step ahead when it comes to treating Thomas Dotterer. For those of you who aren’t aware, Thomas Dotterer is a 77 year old CM Punk fan who recently came into the news after his store was robbed. Despite the robbery, the worst news of the week for him was CM Punk losing to The Rock at Royal Rumble. This news went viral and Punk noticed Dotterer and followed him up on phone and spoke to him. According to TMZ, Punk even promised to give him a ringside seat and a special backstage pass for an upcoming RAW live event in Syracuse.

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