Why CM Punk's no-show in Chicago was 'Best for Business'

Pipe bomb
The WWE pulled off a great pipe bomb in Chicago last week when they professional trolled the fans by making them think that CM Punk was going to make his return at his home town.
Though there are still chances of Punk making a big return before the WrestleMania arrives, what WWE did back in Chicago was the best decision for business due to various reasons.
Punk left the company just after the Royal Rumble and left a void which still remains as a big problem for the writers. But they somehow managed to fill it in by placing some paper over it in the form of a stale main event and a Daniel Bryan- Triple H showdown.
In the absence of Punk, Bryan has been flourishing in the feud which was given to him and the flying goat is seeing the kind of momentum which makes his previous ones look like amateur ones.

Underdog flourishing
He stands tall as the lone fan favorite in the company since no one still manages to catch up with him despite the creative’s efforts to drag him down.
When WWE hosted their Raw in Chicago, one thing that was surely expected to happen was a hostile crowd chanting for Punk. The company decided to counter it with a great opening segment which tied the fans to their seats for the whole show expecting Punk to come out of the curtain at any moment.
Though this was the strategy employed, the thing that worked better was Daniel Bryan’s presence. The underdog situation that he was put into clearly struck with the fans as Triple H was having a lot of heat from the crowd. Bryan was the star of the night despite being knocked out when the show went of air.