
Concerns regarding Brock Lesnar backstage, disagreement between Triple H and Vince?

WWE facing difficulty in booking Brock Lesnar?

Brock Lesnar’s booking on the final 2014 episode of Monday Night Raw has been deemed as nothing short of awful and the WWE creative has been blasted for the way he was used.

One source even described him as a statue in the final segment where the Authority returned and going ahead it’s being said that there are concerns on how to book the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. While Lesnar has dates on his contract, the problem lies with WWE creative having no idea what to do with him.

On that note, Vince McMahon and Triple H seem to be in a bit of a disagreement on how Lesnar should be used heading into Wrestlemania 31. Vince believes that the Beast Incarnate should be handed over a new deal and perform in the biggest WM 31 match possible but people close to Hunter understand that he wants Lesnar to “pass the torch” and move on.

While Roman Reigns, who has been handpicked by Triple H to be the next top guy, has been viewed as the guy to defeat Lesnar at Wrestlemania, Vince isn’t ready to buy that idea yet. Since Lesnar was the one who ended the Undertaker’s streak and that was a huge result in WWE’s history, Vince believes that whoever beats Lesnar will have a permanent correlation to Taker.

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