
Crown Jewel 2019: 4 Reasons why WWE finally announced a women's match

The women of WWE will finally wrestle in Saudi Arabia
The women of WWE will finally wrestle in Saudi Arabia

The women of WWE have been chomping at the bit for the past 18 months when it comes to getting a match in Saudi Arabia and finally Lacey Evans and Natalya will make history tomorrow night when they become the first female wrestlers to perform in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The country has laws about women performing, and back in 2018 when WWE made their debut in Saudi Arabia as part of The Greatest Royal Rumble, they played the following advert promoting the end of the brand split on pay-per-view and were then forced to apologize because Carmella, Sasha Banks, and Bayley were seen showing too much skin.

WWE made a breakthrough as part of last year's Crown Jewel when Renee Young was given the green light to appear on the commentary desk and WWE tried to take that one step further back in June when Alexa Bliss and Natalya made the trip to The Middle East in the hopes they would be given the green light. This obviously wasn't the case and since Renee Young won't be part of this year's Crown Jewel, it appears that the women of WWE will make more history, finally.

Why has it taken WWE four trips to finally convince the Saudi Arabian authorities? Here are four reasons why now is the best time for the Women to make their debut in Saudi Arabia.

#4 There is no Evolution planned this year

There is no Evolution planned this year
There is no Evolution planned this year

There was a lot of backlash that followed WWE's first trip over to The Middle East back in April 2018, which is why WWE decided to give the women their own pay-per-view. Evolution made its debut in October, just days before WWE traveled to the Middle East once again without any female support.

Evolution was a huge moment for the women as they proved that they had what it takes to put on their own pay-per-view, but it's not an event that the company has decided to produce again this year.

In interviews, Triple H has stated that it could come back, but without the pull of Ronda Rousey, it would have been much harder for the company to sell tickets. A match in Saudi Arabia was the only way for WWE to avoid more backlash since 2019 would have been seen as a step backward in the Women's Revolution.

See WWE Crown Jewel Live Updates, Highlights of event, & more on Crown Jewel latest updates page.

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