Crowning Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania 35 makes more sense for the WWE

Kevin Owens' return would have shocked most people but once we move beyond the shock it almost feels as if WWE might have rushed his return as Vince McMahon has been trying to push up the ratings to a more reasonable level.
Kevin Owens will face Daniel Bryan in 2 weeks time for the title but if we think about it, these 2 weeks would be more about the viewer's euphoria of seeing KO back in action more than anything. And banking on the euphoria if WWE tries to crown him the champion at WWE Fastlane it would again be a case of rushing things a bit too much.
On the other hand, WWE could actually play it smart here and let this rivalry build. The two parallel storylines constitute of Kevin Owens leaving his home in the pursuit of the WWE Championship for his kids (as he mentioned in the post-fight interview) and Daniel Bryan trying to hold on to the newly made belt which he himself introduced.

The match between the two at Fastlane could end in a DQ with Daniel Bryan realising mid-match that KO is just too much to handle and Rowan getting involved. This would intensify the feud and set a perfect scene for the rematch at WrestleMania with stakes being higher and the whole crowd seemingly backing KO to win the Championship for his Kids.
If Owens wins the title at the grandest stage of them all with all his family in attendance it would be a great moment and would receive a great response from the crowd as well.
But on the other hand if the WWE jump the gun and make KO the champion at Fastlane then it would be just too soon and even though it would generate a positive response but it wouldn't be as big as the one at WrestleMania. Wrestlemania is known to go for the "Feel Good" moments and this could be one of them.