
Current Champions in WWE Ranked in Order of Popularity According to Google Trends Web Search

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Every championship on every WWE brand has a different level of prestige associated to it. However, Google Trends helps us know is it the championship that makes the champion or the champion who makes the championship. Lets find out who is on top and who is at the bottom among the current title holders on the main roster based on their web search popularity in the last 12 months. The requisite comparative Google Trends links to the respective google trend pages are as follows:-




#11 Cedric Alexander: Cruiser-weight Champion

Age of Alexander!
Age of Alexander!

Cedric is one of the best wrestlers of this year so far. It is the limited viewership of 205 live which holds him down. Neither is is the cruiser-weight Championship ever contestant for on any pay per view main show. Therefore, it is not surprising find him in this position.

#10 Rowan: Smackdown Tag Team Champion

Fierce looking Rowan
Fierce looking Rowan

Rowan is definitely good in the ring for a man of his size. However, he happens to be the least popular champion on the main roster. Maybe due to his combined identity with Harper as the Bludgeon Brothers. Still, as long as he is pushed like he is being right now things will keep on going north for him.

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