
Del Rio replacing injured star, his big money WWE deal, AAA commitments and more

The Mexamerican

- WWE’s urgent need to have a top Hispanic star in their roster led to the return of one of Mexico's greatest imports, Alberto Del Rio. But to get him back, WWE had to ink a very lucrative deal indeed.

According to reports, Alberto Del Rio signed a $1,450,000 per year downside deal with the largest promotion in pro-wrestling. The big money deal also includes a relaxed schedule with lesser dates and also an agreement with his former company, AAA, of which he still is the AAA Mega Champion.

Del Rio apparently didn’t want his relationship with AAA to go sour and told AAA officials Dorian Roldan and Konnan about his secret WWE return on either the 24th or on the day of the HIAC pay-per-view.

From what is known, Del Rio told AAA that his deal with WWE was finalized and that there was a window of him completing his scheduled dates with AAA.

When the news broke out, AAA were initially disappointed, but got over it and harbor no hard feelings over his jump to WWE as of now. Del Rio was the one to push the idea to the WWE, to let him finish his AAA dates.

The Mexican promotion had chalked out a Del Rio vs Jeff Jarrett – hair vs hair match for the December 5th show at Guerra de Titanes, but the plans are being changed as we speak.

The situation at the moment is such that, AAA feels Del Rio would be at their November 2nd show in Nuevo Laredo and not at the RAW episode in Denver this coming Monday. If Del Rio does miss RAW, it would be because of his insistence to finish of his AAA commitments.

It was also reported that, during WWE’s tour of Europe, Del Rio was going to finish up his scheduled AAA dates, but that is not confirmed as of yet. Whether or not WWE lets Del Rio work with the Lucha Libre promotion is still to be known, but considering WWE’s dire need for a Hispanic star, they would most likely oblige, so as to not disrupt the patched up relations with Del Rio.

- When it comes to WWE’s Europe tour, Randy Orton is all set to miss out on the action as he is nursing a shoulder injury he sustained while taking out the trash. Del Rio has been named as his replacement for the first half of the tour, which is a bit surprising considering Del Rio’s insistence in finishing off his AAA dates.

It might be that, the AAA Mega Champion, works the first half of the tour and dedicates the second half to AAA. Whatever the case may be, Del Rio’s return to WWE has given WWE the much-needed boost to thwart Lucha Libre promotions such as Lucha Underground and AAA.


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