
Consequences of Roman Reigns's push as Universal champ

The new universal champion
The new Universal champion

At Summerslam, Roman Reigns finally won the Universal title from Brock Lesnar in their 3rd match within five months this year and retrieved the gold from Lesnar's hostage. The night after, the Shield regrouped and displayed their dominance by triple power bombing Strowman through the announcer's table.

The resurgence of the Shield, changed the landscape of RAW, for better or for worse. All of this, to keep the fans cheering for Reigns.

In this article, we will be focusing on the cosequences of Roman's push that's affecting the RAW roster.

#5 Lashley stuck in a comic role

Lashley has got it all: the look, the physique, MMA background and decent mic skills ( if you've followed his Impact run).

He is a two-time ECW world champion and one time US champ, aside from his accomplishments outside WWE where he has held multiple championships. Lashley has that prototype build that Vince McMahon adores, and even then he is stuck in a comic role because of Roman's push as the lead babyface.

Lashley should be a destroyer, and not a smiling mid-carder. He took a backseat just to let Roman conquer Lesnar, but even after their feud ended, Lashley is still relegated to comedy segments.

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