
Elimination Chamber 2019: Top 5 rumors

What could be the scenes at the Elimination Chamber PPV?
What could be the scenes at the Elimination Chamber PPV?

The Elimination Chamber pay-per-view is just a few hours away, and fan excitement levels for this show is slowly but surely picking up, as this year's pay-per-view doesn't really feel like a foregone conclusion, unlike previous years.

When looking at the match card for this show, it is easy to see why WWE booked some of the programmes with so many possible endings in mind; this show could very well change the foundation of WrestleMania as we know it.

From title matches that seem like they could go either way, to a historic match that could see any team walk away as champions, Elimination Chamber 2019 is truly an ambitious show in the making, and where there is ambiguity, there's someone somewhere with answers.

Most fans don't like to look into rumors due to their inaccuracy most times, and the fact they tend to spoil surprises WWE has planned. But for those who want to get a possible sneak peek of what is going to happen at Elimination Chamber, let us go through some of the most popular rumors that have been circulating the internet.

#1 Kevin Owens And Finn Balor: The best friends

Do you think this would really happen?
Do you think this would really happen?

WWE has really missed a huge opportunity with Kevin Owens over the last few years, as this was a man that burst onto NXT, dominated the competition, arrived on the main roster, and destroyed John Cena in his first match.

Who else has got that type of booking in the last few years? Not many to be honest, and when looking back on KO's five years as a WWE Superstar, it's sad to say, but his career has really been a hit and miss.

From being World Champion at one point to being a literal punching bag, Owens has seen the ups and downs of the wrestling business many times in his WWE career, but according to certain rumors - that bumpy road KO is so used to walking on could end very soon.

At Elimination Chamber we will see Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush take on Finn Balor in an IC Title handicap match, and even though the odds are stacked against Finn, it seems he could get help from an unlikely source. Apparently, it will be KO coming to Balor's aid, and if that sounds weirder than anything you could imagine, don't worry - many others feel the same way.

Babyface Owens sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, as he is such a fantastic heel it's hard to imagine him as anything else, but if WWE keeps one important trait from his heel run, there could be a chance for this to succeed, and that is his logical reasoning.

Speaking of logical reasoning, WWE making KO go after Rush and Lashley is understandable, as his kayfabe reason for taking a hiatus was Lashly destroying him on Raw a few months ago. So with that said, could you see this happening?

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