
Everything Wrong With The Shield Reunion So Far

The Shield,
How do you feel about The Shield reunion?

It's no secret that The Shield's reunion on The August 20th episode of Monday Night Raw was that rare mix of nostalgia running wild and giving fans the payoff moment of a lifetime, but it ultimately comes at a cost. Unfortunately for The WWE Universe and their favourite superstars, that price is becoming more and more noticeable by the minute.

Not only is that evident by the myriad of changes WWE has already made to The Monday Night Raw landscape after The Shield Reunion, but also by the people these changes have hurt in the process. If nothing else, WWE seems desperate to turn Reigns into a big deal at all costs and while one would think they would have some kind of backup plan in the process, that looks to be less and less likely.

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With that being said and all these abrupt changes in mind, here are five things wrong with The Shield reunion so far and how to fix them. As always, let us know how you feel about these problems in the comments below and tell us whether you think they are actually fixable or not. Furthermore, tell us how you would ultimately choose to fix them.

#8 Using Dean Ambrose For Comic relief

Dean Ambrose,
Why is WWE using Dean Ambrose as comic

While Dean Ambrose is usually a very funny person on and off camera, that doesn't mean that WWE should be using him for comic relief. Unfortunately for Ambrose and his fans, that is exactly what they did during a backstage segment on Raw last week by having him do a segment with Jinder Mahal.

Mahal did his usual gimmick of trying to bring Ambrose to inner piece, but during a meditation session, Ambrose talked about kicking his ass. This led to a match between the two later on in the night, which Ambrose won after a little back and fourth. Interestingly enough however, the match was meaningless largely meaningless and didn't help Ambrose either.

In the end, this was due to lack of a qualify opponent, especially after how much Mahal has fallen down the card lately, and only served to make Ambrose too tired to really fight back in the main event segment. With that being said, it would have been so much better if it was anyone else on the Raw roster.

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