
Exclusive: RAW Tag Team Champion Scott Dawson reveals the difference between Triple H & Vince McMahon & more

Scott Dawson from The Revival is a self-confessed wrestling nerd
Scott Dawson from The Revival is a self-confessed wrestling nerd

I've conducted over a hundred interviews for Sportskeeda Wrestling, and I don't think I've interacted with anyone as passionate about wrestling as Scott Dawson is. A warm, friendly person, Dawson's love of old-school wrestling was infectious, as he fanboyed over The Midnight Express for the duration of the teleconference.

I had a chance to ask him three questions, and Scott Dawson fielded them all fantastically. As he maintained through the course of the conversation, all him and Dash Wilder want is to make Tag Team Wrestling relevant again. And they will cut no corners in their quest to make 'the tag team division' the main event!

As a fan of The Midnight Express, would you like Jim Cornette to manage you someday?

Dawson: Oh dude! Of course, I'd love for Jim Cornette to manage us. That's a man, if you think about it, from 1983 to 2019, his name has been a professional wrestling headline for thirty-five years.

He could come back today, manage Dash and myself, make the people either love him or hate him, whatever he wants to. And we'd make so much money with him. Is he interested in doing that? I don't know. I'd love to hash it out with him and see what he thinks.

But that would be a dream come true for me on a professional fanboy level, but also a professional level because I'll be able to make lots of level.

Last year at WrestleMania, the RAW Tag Team Champions were Braun Strowman and a ten-year-old boy. What were your thoughts about that?

Dawson: What were my thoughts about that? Oh man. Probably the same thoughts that you had and everyone else had. I'd say it was a slap in the face. That was one of the things where I had to swallow my pride a little bit and Dash and I have talked about it; that's one of the things that adds to the chip on our shoulder.

When something like that happens, when Braun Strowman and a ten-year-old kid are RAW tag team champions, that made us wanna work hard. It made us want to outwork everyone else. It made everyone want to take notice of The Revival, Dash and myself, and say these are the guys I need to go with.

So, I took it as a hit to my pride at first but it fuelled my fire and made me want to work harder.

Having worked under Triple H and Vince McMahon, what is the main difference in approach of both men?

Dawson: I don't want to sound like I'm kissing anyone's a**, but those two guys are so incredibly smart, so incredibly business savvy. The main difference between the two is that when I was in NXT, as a whole family, and as a group, we were trying to build something.

From top to bottom that roster wanted to make NXT as special as we possibly could. And that's what we did. So, at the time NXT wasn't as big as it is now. Triple H did not have as much on his plate as he does now.

Vince McMahon, on the other hand, has launched this global phenomenon called the WWE and sports entertainment. He has done so much stuff that goes beyond professional wrestling, four corners, and three ropes. He has so much that he gives his attention to.

Whereas when I was in NXT, Hunter was able to devote his attention on growing the brand and also, entrusting the talent by putting a bit of the load on our back by saying- 'Hey man. Help me out.' Vince already had his phenomenon completely exploded for the last thirty-five or forty years.

Hunter was trying to build NXT from the ground up.

Be sure to catch WrestleMania live only on SONY TEN 1 and SONY TEN 3, this April.

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