
Fantasy booking: How to book Dean Ambrose going forward if him leaving is a work

Dean Ambrose on Monday Night Raw
Dean Ambrose on Monday Night Raw

Disclaimer: this article is purely speculation on the author's part.

It isn't hard to believe with WWE, that people behind the scenes are frustrated with creative of their character. It is believed to be the reason why many superstars are supposedly asking for their release, but just picture it in your head that this is all a work from WWE. Imagine if they are creating a storyline based off some backstage reality.

It wouldn't be the first time that they have used contract dispute as a means to further somebody's career. It gives off the sense of realism behind the scenes with the threat of AEW becoming a threat to WWE. The storyline would also add intrigue to the WWE product, as well as set Dean Ambrose up to be involved in a huge story-line. 

But how would you potentially book this if you was behind the scenes?

Booking Dean Ambrose's "Departure" from WWE

Firstly you would need to continue the theme that he is in now, which is booking to lose most of the matches they put him in. They will need to make it look like they are really trying to bury him to make it all seem very convincing and legitimate.

The company could probably just put him in random match ups and just have him continue losing right up to Wrestlemania. If they wanted to go over board, they could even have Dean face Triple H in a match with the stipulation that if he loses, then he leaves the company.

He ends up leaving, of course, after being defeated in a grueling, hard fought match up with Triple H, then also gets taken out after the match with by Triple H with the sledgehammer.

The sledgehammer attack would be warranted due to months of disrespect from Dean towards The Game, in the building up to Wrestlemania, starting from what happened on Raw this past week. Dean is stretchered out of the arena and nobody hears from him until....

Seth after being destroyed by Dean Ambrose
Seth after being destroyed by Dean Ambrose

The shocking return of The Lunatic Fringe

After a few months have passed in the company and no news having been reported on the whereabouts of Dean Ambrose, people begin to start thinking that Dean has decided not to ever wrestle again after his burial by Triple H at Wrestlemania. Dean hasn't surfaced in any other wrestling promotion around the world, and nobody has seen or heard from him or his wife Renee Young.

WWE start their build up to the final PPV before Summerslam which is Extreme Rules. Everything is going smoothly, until on the go home episode of Raw before Extreme Rules.

The McMahon family are all out in the ring hyping the pay per view and perhaps making a few a announcements/ stipulations for matches. Dean's music suddenly hits, making the McMahon family look at the entrance ramp.

Suddenly, Dean sneaks in through the crowd and starts pummelling Triple H from behind, in retaliation for the sledgehammer attack at Wrestlemania. They continue to brawl until security escorts Ambrose out of the arena leaving Triple H shaken but determined for revenge.

Over the coming weeks after Extreme Rules, Ambrose repeatedly attacks Triple H by coming through the crowd. Triple H is at breaking point and finally gets on the mic to demand that Ambrose be rehired again, just so he can destroy him at Summerslam.

Vince reluctantly agrees and they set up a match at Summerslam, with the stipulation that Ambrose is never to return to WWE again if he loses, however if he wins he gets offered a contract that gives him more creative freedom.

Ambrose has become an antihero at this point and the crowd is loving his rebellious attitude. He still has heel tendencies but is getting face reactions from the crowd.

On the go home episode of Raw before Summerslam Triple H and Dean Ambrose get into heated verbal battle in the ring, which ends up turning physical. The locker room comes out and separates them both and the final Raw before Summer slam, ends with them still trying to brawl with each other.

At Summerslam, the match is in the middle of the show due to the stacked card. They have a long and grueling match, absolutely beating the hell out of each other. The match ends with Dean pulling back the padding on the floor outside the Ring and giving the Game two Dirty Deeds onto the concrete. He then rolls Triple H's unconscious body in the ring for the three count and wins the match as well as the new contract offered to him.

In reality the truth would come out after Summerslam on dirtsheets, that Dean eventually agreed to a new contract with a lot more creative freedom and control of his character, with more world title opportunities and a pay rise.

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