Five People That Will Be Negatively Affected By The Asuka Versus James Ellsworth Storyline

How low can you go!
That has to be the question that The WWE Universe is asking themselves after watching James Ellsworth go one on one with Asuka on Smackdown Live. Not only was the segment a waste of time for everyone involved, it also didn't come across as very entertaining and seemed to reek of writers that are devoid of inspiration.
With that being said and the fall out that will undoubtedly follow when this is all said and done, here are five people that will be negatively affected by the Asuka versus Carmella feud. As always, let us know what your thoughts in the comments below and be sure to tell us if you think the feud should continue or not.
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#5 The WWE Universe

Let's be honest here.
Every minute that The WWE Universe is forced to sit through this nonsense is another example of just how badly these superstars were being wasted. In fact, WWE is doing their fans a disservice by scripting something so laughably awful during a period that is supposed to be a high point for women's wrestling.
More on that later, but continuing down this road will have three major consequences for WWE. The first consequence is that fans are going to be less likely to take The Smackdown Live Women's division seriously, which is not good for future plans with the belt. Beyond on that, WWE runs the risk of losing viewership from all this.
Finally, there's Smackdown Live, which is supposed to be trying to shake the moniker of The B Show and still airing nonsense like this in the process. In the end, it is not a good sign for the future of The Women's division if one of their most dominant superstars is made out to look like a complete joke!