5 people who will be negatively affected by WWE continuing to push Roman ReignsÂ
Every action has consequences and WWE will soon learn that if they continue trying to push Roman Reigns as their top guy. While one would probably hope that WWE got the hint by now that The WWE Universe is not going to get behind Roman Reigns, especially after the incident at backlash, there are rumors circulating that getting Reigns over is still the plan.
Interestingly enough, the supposed reason that WWE is sticking with Reigns despite the massive backlash from fans is that they don't believe they have any better plans right now. With that in mind and WWE odiously still stuck in this tunnel vision way of thinking, here are five people that are going to be negatively affected by the decison to keep pushing Reigns.
#5 The WWE Universe
Despite The WWE Universe's repeated negative responses to Roman Reigns being pushed as the company's top guy, backstage officials are still determined on pushing Reigns down fans throats. Unfortunately for fans, that means that Reigns will most likely be staying around the title picture for the foreseeable future, which could yield results similar to that of Backlash.
With that being said and fans responses to Reigns getting worse by the week, it should come as no surprise that The overall product going forward will be uninteresting to watch and might even turn off fans from the product completely. WWE is also showing that they are intentionally ignoring The WWE Universe' opinion on this decison, which will only make them angrier.
In the end, The WWE Universe has two decision here. Give Roman Reigns another chance to prove to them that he deserves to be the top guy or turn to Smackdown Live. They could also swear of WWE completely, which wouldn't be that unreasonable with the way WWE is ignoring the fans right now, but its horrible that WWE would do something that hurts fans this much.