
Five possible shocking events that could happen at MITB

This Sunday, we will find out answers for most of our questions

If the passion displayed in the promos between AJ Styles and John Cena is any indication of the grudge match the two warriors are about to have at Money in the Bank this Sunday night, then WWE has done some of the best bookings of any feud in some time.

The match that took 15 years to happen and one of the ones we have all talked about over the years is finally going to come to fruition. Now that The Club has been banned from ringside, it is almost a forgone conclusion something else will happen to leave is all trying to pick our jaws up off the floor.

If anything, there is plenty of excitement about this show – something WWE has lacked in recent past. Maybe this new era thing is real and the success of the company will mean wrestling matters again. But for now, let’s not count on it.

The Styles-Cena confrontation isn’t the only big match on the card, where there could be fireworks all through the night with many possible “surprises” to take place. With Las Vegas the setting for MITB, you bet there will be a swerve or two to discuss Monday evening on Raw.

You can believe that!

Here are a few surprises that could happen during the pay-per-view.

Finn Balor, Come on Down

Is a Demon appearance on the cards

We have anticipated this move by WWE to call the former NXT champion up to the main roster. Now, it is only a matter of time. Given his connection to Styles, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, could he be the fly in the ointment that gives the Phenomenal One the victory over the “Face that runs the place?”

Balor’s entry into WWE means the rumors of new faces being added to The Club will either subside, or they will continue. In New World Order fashion, there could be two or three fresh faces who that continue to build the heel faction.

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