
5 Reasons WWE Must Break Up The Shield Soon

Roman Reigns, WWE,
Does The WWE need to break up The Shield?

WWE needs to break up The Shield

While that might sound like a completely asinine idea, especially with how over the faction is with the WWE Universe, it doesn't seem like it is really solving the problems that WWE originally reunited the group to solve. In fact, despite Reigns going back to his semi-silent powerhouse role within The Shield, fans are still responding negatively.

Furthermore, the reunion is causing a plethora of other problems on The red brand and will have dire consequences if it isn't fixed soon. Of course, some fans are going to agree with that assessment and want the Shield reunion to continue, but one has to look at the what exactly keeping the group together will do to the WWE landscape.

In the end, WWE already teased the move during the September 23rd episode of Raw when Drew McIntyre, Dolph Ziggler and Bruan Strowman tried to get Ambrose to join them, which could mean that the WWE sees the writing on the wall. Either that or this was their plan all along and they are just waiting for the right time to execute it.

With that being said, here are five reasons why The Shield needs to break up soon.

#5 Television ratings

Roman Reigns,
Is Roman Reigns the reason for Monday Night Raw's sagging ratings?

One would think that with the most popular faction in WWE history back together that ratings would be booming. Unfortunately for the company, however, the WWE Universe seems to just see it as a way to get fans behind Roman Reigns and are not interested in WWE's tricky tactics in order to make Reigns the guy.

Another problem here is that there is a lot of quality programming on Monday night that Raw has to compete with. Of course some fans are going to stop watching as Monday Night football, Dancing With The Stars, and other shows become available, but WWE needs to stop the bleeding and give the remaining fans the content they want to see.

And that's not Roman Reigns and The Shield dominating the title picture

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