
Five Superstars Who Could be Paul Heyman's Next Client 

Heyman and Lesnar came to blows on this week's Raw
Heyman and Lesnar came to blows on this week's Raw

This past week on Raw, Brock Lesnar snapped and assaulted his long-time manager, Paul Heyman.

Heyman and Lesnar have a long and storied history, and this isn't exactly the first time the two of them have come to blows.

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What makes this time different though, is the fact that it looks as though Lesnar could be on his way out of the company for a while, which leaves Heyman without anybody to manage.

While Heyman was 'fired' on Monday, it seems unlikely that the company would be willing to lose such a valuable asset.

In times when great managers are so few and far between, Heyman's ability to get stars over should be cherished by the WWE. While there may have been plenty of times Heyman has failed to get a star over, when he has succeeded, he has shown that there is no-one in the business better at it than him.

With Lesnar out of the picture, let's take a look at five superstars who could be Paul Heyman's next client.

#1 Roman Reigns

Reigns is in desperate need of a mouth-piece
Reigns could use an advocate

Whether fans like it or not, Roman Reigns is going to be sticking around the main event scene for the foreseeable future.

There is every chance that Reigns will dethrone Lesnar at SummerSlam, and avoid any sort of potential Universal title cash-ins as well.

If that is the case, then fans will be wanting to see something different from Reigns, preferably, a heel turn.

If Reigns were to finally turn heel, then having him side with Heyman would be a great way to really get him over as one of the big bad guys on the roster.

Lesnar being screwed by Heyman has happened in the past, and while Heyman's run with Big Show in 2002 didn't exactly set the world on fire, it is still fondly remembered by a lot of fans.

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