
Five Controversial Things WWE Must Do At Extreme Rules 

Extreme Rules, WWE,
What will happen at Extreme Rules this Sunday?

The Extreme Rules pay per view is only days away and while there will be no Universal Title defense happening at the event, there is still a lot of things for fans to look forward to. In fact, between a 30-minute iron man match for The IC title, and an Extreme Rules match for The Raw Women's title, there is truly something for everyone to enjoy if done right.

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With that being said and WWE's controversial booking habits when it comes to big pay per views that have a lot riding on them, here are five things WWE must do at Extreme Rules to make it interesting. Keep in mind that some of these will be opinion based, but there are also legitimate reasons for why these five things should happen as well!

#5 Finn Balor must lose

Finn Balor,
Does Finn Balor really need a win against Baron Corbin At Extreme Rules?

Finn Balor has suffered from start-stop pushes and errant injuries for a majority of his career, but Sunday night at Extreme Rules is his best chance of turning all of that around. Unfortunately for The WWE Universe, that should start with a dirty loss to Baron Corbin, which will set the stage for something bigger.

Its no secret that WWE is putting Balor up against authorities figures in order to try to give him the same organic push that Daniel Bryan had, and what better way to start this than a match against Constable Corbin. Not only does it allow Balor to be screwed out of a much-needed win, it also achieves the goal of getting fans angry and behind him.

How WWE does this is up to them, but it needs to be something that angers fans in the process. Maybe Corbin can tell the ref to count fast or maybe Stephanie McMahon could even serve as a distraction and ensure that Balor losses the match. Maybe WWE could even bring in Triple H to distract him or even cause a DQ finish, but that's probably unlikely.

In the end, Balor needs to take a loss against Corbin. Sure, it might rub fans the wrong way in the beginning, but as Balor continues to buck authority figure after authority figure on his path back to the championship, it could turn out to be a very good thing. In fact, it could just make his eventually Universal Championship run even 'too sweeter'!

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