
Five Things That Must Happen During The Triple Threat TLC Match For The Women's Title

Asuka versus Charlotte Flair versus Becky Lynch. Who wins?
Asuka versus Charlotte Flair versus Becky Lynch. Who wins?

The Empress versus The Queen versus The Man isn't a match that just sounds cool on paper and in promos, it is also the culmination of months of storytelling that has propelled each of these women forward. Beyond all that, it is a match that The WWE Universe is completely beyond, which is not true of everything WWE has done lately.

With that being said and The first ever Women's Triple Threat TLC match quickly approaching, what exactly does WWE need to do to make this match a barnburner. Furthermore, what does the company need to do in order to make this match set the stage for future storylines?

In the end, its impossible to know exactly what WWE will choose to do here, but it is at least possible to make an educated guess based on what the company has done in the past and what they should probably do. What are your thoughts? Be sure to let us know in the comments below and tell us what the company needs to do to make this match perfect!

#5 Make it the main event.

WWE needs to make Asuka versus Charlotte Versus Becky Lynch the main event of TLC
WWE needs to make Asuka versus Charlotte Versus Becky Lynch the main event of TLC

There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that this match has that big fight feel to it and while it doesn't have the build that Nia Jax versus Ronda Rousey does, it is still deserving of the main event spot. In fact, between the first time nature of this type of match for The Women's division and the hints that WWE has dropped of it not ending in a clean fashion.

Think about it! WWE has a lot of moving parts at play with this storylines they have at play and the storylines they are seemingly hoping to build during the match. If nothing else, that is more than deserving of the main event spot, especially if WWE lives up to the promise of inserting Ronda Rousey into it somehow.

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