Former WWE Announcer Hugo Savinovich wants Rey Mysterio to lead a faction (Exclusive)

I had a chance to connect with former WWE Spanish announcer Hugo Savinovich during a recent telephonic interview, to promote his event 'Fight Forever: A tribute to Bret Hart'. Mr. Savinovich said the following about the event:
"Please tell all your readers that the show in Puerto Rico is going to be fantastic. It's a tribute to Bret The Hitman Hart. The first match of RVD in Puerto Rico! We have ten matches, great stars and it's dedicated also to my wife who passed away last week. She was a part of my inspiration to bring back this great huge card to Puerto Rico. Thank you to you and all your readers."
Very few people have enjoyed the kind of success that Mr. Hugo Savinovich has enjoyed in his career. After a legendary career with WWE, he is currently involved with AAA and is also affiliated with AEW. I asked him what he thinks about Rey Mysterio's upcoming title shot against Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series:
"Yes, I believe that WWE has not used Rey Mysterio the right way. And they have wasted a pure talent that is loved from India to Japan to Chile to Mexico to the United States to Canada. He translates into one of those wrestling warriors that people love to see and I believe that finally he's getting an opportunity to shine! And I hope that this Brock Lesnar feud is not just one battle."
He would go on to say that the Creative team needs to book Rey Mysterio as the captain of a Latino stable. These were his exact words:
"If Vince and his creative team...Paul Heyman and Bruce Prichard, if they are smart...they will do something with a Spanish group together. Like an alliance with Spanish talent. And get Rey Mysterio as the Captain of a strong faction of Latinos."
I have to say that it is certainly a very intriguing thought, even though the Lucha House Party may be a variation of the same gimmick. But I'm guessing what Mr. Savinovich means is a faction with an edge, something like LAX from Impact! In any case, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on whether you'd like to see such a faction!