Former WWE stars unhappy with the WWE managing staff

Evan Singleton and Vito Lograsso have apparently come out strongly against the WWE by filing a 'Concussion Lawsuit'. Evan was currently out of action for a couple of months after a gruelling match against Erick Rowan during which he got a severe brain injury and a minor bump on the skull. According to the former WWE star, the WWE paid no heed to his traumatic injuries, and even did not provide him with sufficient recovery time and made him continue wrestling for approximately more than 15 matches.
After one more match, Evan was released from the contract, by this time he was already affected by varying neurological syndromes and even medical reports claimed continuous bleeding inside his left cerebral portion of brain. Even Vito was noted to be suffering from grave neurological disorders which included memory loss, anxiety, OCD type symptoms. The two WWE stars hired the same lawyer as the former star Billy Haynes when he filed a lawsuit against the WWE.
Many lawsuits have been filed in the history of WWE like Michael Cole against CM Punk, Paul Heyman against Triple H and Billy Haynes against the company like mentioned eariler. Well, this current lawsuit was filed against the WWE in Pennsylvania. Lets see how they are going to respond to this one.