GFW/Impact Wrestling News: Reby Hardy goes on another twitter rant explaining latest "Broken" gimmick situation
What's the story?
Although she was rumoured to be told by lawyers not to Tweet out against GFW Impact Wrestling, Reby Hardy went on yet another rant against GFW and Anthem over their pending lawsuit for the "Broken" gimmick.
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In case you didn't know...
Reby Hardy and The Hardy family have been in clash with Anthem and Impact over the legal rights to the "Broken" gimmick which the Hardy Boyz made popular in TNA.
Reby had gone on numerous Twitter rants against Impact Wrestling and Anthem, often using less than appropriate language as well.
It was reported that the Hardyz's lawyer advised Reby not to rant on Twitter anymore, and a deal was made where Reby would be fined if she did rant on Twitter. If this is true, then that's some money off the Hardyz' pockets.
The heart of the matter
She took shots at the three main people first - Jeff Jarrett, Ed Nordholm and Dutch Mantell:
She reminded Impact of a past doing during WrestleMania weekend:
She continued with the shots at Impact Wrestling
She once again made an accusation against Jeff Jarrett.
She then insulted the company in a huge way.
She claimed that they've already won, even though they actually didn't just yet.
What's next?
Hopefully, for their sake, Reby doesn't go on too many more Twitter rants, since it doesn't favour them or help their cause in any way. The case will continue on.
Author's Take
Even though I can understand and sympathise with The Hardyz for their cause and all the frustrations they're undergoing, ranting on Twitter won't help them in any way possible.
If they want to win the case, this isn't the way to do it. Hopefully, things get sorted out soon and we will finally see the Broken Universe in WWE.
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