
Goldberg talks possible WWE return, Ronda Rousey's WWE aspirations and more

Lesnar vs Goldberg – Didn't quite live up to the hype?

Goldberg is a name that is synonymous to dominance, who was WCW’s mainstay back during its heyday.

Since his final match against Brock Lesnar, which was a major letdown by all standards, there have been constant discussions on his return back to WWE. In an interview with Wrestlezone., Goldberg opened by about the possibility of a WWE return, Ronda Rousey, Kurt Angle vs Ken Shamrock and more. Below are the excerpts:

On the possibility of a WWE return and a Lesnar vs Goldberg match at WrestleMania

Keeping the door one final WWE run, Goldberg said that if both parties sit down for ‘respectful’ conversations, you never know what might happen. 

By coming straight to the point, he said,” At the end of the day no bull***. Just get straight to the point. Let’s talk business. At the end of the day I don’t know what a realistic conversation is with these guys or anybody in the wrestling world for that matter because I haven’t had one in such a long period of time.”

Goldberg thinks his knowledge of the business from how it was back during his days would apply to the current set up and said, “I know how it should be done now. There’s certain constants that are always there and… I don’t know man. I have no idea what that conversation would be like because I have not thought about it for one second. I don’t know man.” 

All Goldberg is asking for is a respectful conversation and is nothing else. “The ultimate goal is to put smiles on people’s faces, entertain and make some money. That’s it. Nothing beyond that. I’m not asking for green M&M’s or somebody to show up in a G5 and give me steak and lobsters,“ he said.

On a possible Kurt Angle vs Ken Shamrock MMA fight in Bellator

Goldberg thinks that the said dream matchup would have meant a great deal and would have been a no-brainer 20 years ago, but as the age grows where MMA is trying to take a few pointers from WWE, it is a great idea.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea. Whether that specifically, that fight will accomplish what they want to accomplish as far as an entertainment level that remains to be seen. Those guys are both past their prime as far as being at the top of being in their physical condition and their combative skills. They’re still two dangerous sons of bit**es,” said Goldberg.

He thinks it would be like Pride with a raucous atmosphere as it features two huge names. 

“Kurt and I aren’t close by any stretch of the imagination so I truly don’t know his physical status right now or even what happened to him. The true extent of what happened to him when he was injured. So, I don’t know man. I don’t know. Look at Ken and what happened with his last fight,” said Bill.

On Rosey possibly jumping ship to WWE in the future

By stating that Ronda has the freedom of choice, tells that he is amused as to how such big name stars from various walks of life, in spite of having highly successful careers, aspire to “live vicariously through a pro wrestling character”.

He said, “No matter how successful you are, no matter how good of an athlete, no matter how good of an actor you are it’s really cool to be able to be an extension of a superhero in the back of your mind. Once, twice a week. It’s goofy man, it’s cool. It’s a release. It is what it is.”

By talking about the passionate wrestling fans, one of who is Ronda Rousey, he says that it is really cool for her to want to have a WWE stint.

“For her to be successful at something people ultimately respect, to be a movie star, to be an MMA star… those are very honorable things. It takes a lot to be that. But yet, she still wants to be a professional wrestler. Which is cool because everybody wants to be a kid and that’s cool. I used to watch pro wrestling with my grandmother for God’s sake,” said Goldberg.

You can listen to the full conversation below:

Goldberg stars in a new movie called Checkpoint, in which he plays a military combat specialist and below is the trailer for the same: 


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