
Hell in a Cell - 5 Reasons why Randy Orton defeated Drew McIntyre to become the brand new WWE Champion

We have a brand new WWE Champion ruling the RAW roster
We have a brand new WWE Champion ruling the RAW roster

WWE Hell in a Cell 2020 was a really fun show from start to finish, and even though the actual main event between Randy Orton and Drew McIntyre to crown the new WWE Champion wasn't as much of a thrilling affair as Sasha Banks vs. Bayley, the second-half of the contest certainly delivered. But the question on everyone's mind is why Randy Orton was chosen to be the face of the company, as the WWE Champion at Hell in a Cell!

The question will be answered across 5 points in this article, and you are invited to chime in with your thoughts and views in the comments below. Are you a fan of Randy Orton defeating Drew McIntyre to become the new WWE Champion? Also, what did you think of Hell in a Cell as a pay-per-view event?

#5 Randy Orton couldn't lose to Drew McIntyre for the third time

Even though there's an argument to be made that Drew McIntyre needs the WWE Championship far more than Randy Orton does, you cannot dispute the fact that for Randy Orton to lose the third successive contest to Drew McIntyre would have just diminished the aura the man has. Even though Randy Orton has been blessed with a fantastic career where he has achieved much, many feel that the 2020 version of Randy Orton is his best avatar. As for Drew McIntyre, there is no shame in losing to one of the all-time greats.

In a sense, Randy Orton already fulfilled his responsibility by putting Drew McIntyre over twice across two big matches, and now the Scottish Psychopath is a far bigger star than he once was. Rest assured that these two men will meet again at some point, down the line.

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