
Fantasy Booking: WWE Elimination Chamber 2019

Source: WWE.com
Source: WWE.com

NOTE: This isn't a prediction article of what I think will happen, but simply a fun write up of how I would book the PPV if the pencil were in my hands. Based on when you are reading this, let me know who does it better, Brayden Charles John Fanti or Vincent Kennedy McMahon? I hope you enjoy!

Akira Tozawa vs Buddy Murphy(c)*: Kickoff Match: Cruiserweight Championship (15 min)

Source: WWE.com
Source: WWE.com

Regardless of how you feel about this match being on the pre-show, it's all on the same network right? These two are gonna go out there and put on a show stealer regardless. This is the first time these two men are meeting one on one on PPV, and with Akira Tozawa being one of the best on the 205 roster, and Buddy Murphy being the absolute best cruiserweights going right now, this match is destined for gold. Every Cruiserweight Title match since Murphy has been involved in the picture has been a classic and this will be no different. I feel that fifteen minutes should be no problem as it gives these men enough time to lay it all out there with still more than enough time for WWE's "all star" panel to discuss the whole card. This isn't Tozawa's first time being the underdog in this situation as we saw him go up against Neville's dominant reign two years ago, and with all the love of the fans he overcame the odds then as well. Let Tozawa generate love in this match up as well. Let Murphy keep underestimating him and toying with him and let Tozawa strike back with all the force in the world. The bell rings and Murphy just laughs and smacks Tozawa across the face, and the challenger responds by absolutely laying out the champion with a stiff headbut. Towards the end the champion connects with his dominant Murphy's Law, which I believe has never been kicked out of; that is until Akira Tozawa. He kicks out at two and Houston goes wild. Murphy stunned as all hell starts getting straight laid into with strikes from Tozawa who sends him retreating out of the ring. Tozawa follows suit with his beautiful suicide dive and tosses him right back into the ring. With Houston on their feet, Tozawa connects with his Senton Bomb just like when he beat Neville, but at the count of two, the ref is tugged out of the ring. The camera pans to Murphy's pal suddenly at ringside, Tony Nese with a smug smile on his face. Tozawa with rage now takes down Nese with a suicide dive but reenters the ring right into another Murphy's Law, and The Juggernaut retains the title. The segment closes with Nese raising his partner's arm as Nese glances at the 'Mania sign; some nice foreshadowing. Let this friendship grow stronger through FastLane, and then the 205 Live afterward, allow Nese's betrayal to be felt. And we see Murphy/Nese for the title at WrestleMania.

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