
How NXT came of age

NXT in all its .. err.. glory

The NXT we know and love today is a far cry from it’s humble beginnings.

Wait, “humble’ isn’t the right word. What am I looking for...exciting? No...ambitious? Nah...Oh, I know! Crappy.

NXT was crappy.

If you remember, NXT was like a weird talent search/game show that consisted of rules that didn’t make sense, crowds that didn’t care, and commentators actively burying fresh talent in an attempt to make everything awful, I guess.

That’s not to say nothing good came of this failed experiment; Heath Slater, Darren Young, Ryback (as Skip Sheffield), Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan were all on that first season.

The Nexus, which was fun while it lasted, was born from NXT Season 1.

The following four seasons was more of the same, though. A handful of wrestlers stuck around and some went on to great careers, still thriving today.

Bray Wyatt was a season 2 contestant as Husky Harris, never making it further than 4th place. Naomi’s the only one left from the female’s season. And hey, Fandango won his season!

Honestly, I’m surprised NXT made it out of 2010 alive. But then something awesome happened...Lego.

I think this is like a Lego heart

Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself...

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