
How Seth Rollins broke the "Fourth Wall" during this week's edition of RAW (Dec. 10) 

The Kingslayer got brutally honest about the direction of RAW under Baron Corbin
The Kingslayer got brutally honest about the direction of RAW under Baron Corbin

Monday Night RAW is a program that has seen a fair share of several highs and lows. Recently, the show itself has faced a lot of criticism regarding its storylines. The general direction of the red brand has led to a steep ratings decline.

Nevertheless, the December 10th, 2018 edition of Monday Night RAW pulled off something that almost nobody was expecting to see.

The very first segment of the show saw Seth Rollins standing in the ring for a live promo, and what followed soon has been appropriately termed as one of those rare moments where WWE tends to break the 'fourth wall' (when performers ignore the imaginary “wall” that keeps the actors from the audience) in order to serve a particular storyline.

Here's how the Kingslayer managed to break the fourth wall successfully during this week's edition of RAW.

Seth Rollins blamed Baron Corbin for all the creative problems regarding Monday Night RAW

The Kingslayer put the blame for the show's decline solely on Baron Corbin's shoulders
The Kingslayer put the blame for the show's decline solely on Baron Corbin's shoulders

The opening segment for the December 10th, 2018 edition of RAW featured Seth Rollins getting right to the point where he went on to acknowledge the fact that RAW TV Ratings have dipped to an 'all-time low', all because of Baron Corbin.

Of course, "General-Manager Elect" Baron Corbin interrupted Rollins a few moments later.

But Seth Rollins didn't back down from mentioning that three-hour segments involving McIntyre, Lashley, and Corbin patting themselves on the back is the exact reason behind the recent dip in RAW ratings.

One of the most important things to note here is that by using Rollins, WWE indirectly acknowledged the steep ratings decline for RAW, which is quite rare, since one would not have expected them to do so on live television.

This is one of the ways Rollins managed to break the fourth wall - by meta-referencing a fact that has rarely been used as a plot device to service fictional storylines in the world of WWE.

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