
Huge main event rumoured for Money in the Bank

Daniel Bryan and John Cena could face each other at MITB

If you’ve been wondering why WWE has been working on splitting up Team Hell No! recently, it’s because Daniel Bryan is in for some big changes in his WWE career. Despite being a former World Champion, Bryan has been mostly relegated to the mid-card since losing that belt (save for a feud with then-WWE Champion CM Punk), despite being hugely over with fans and also considered to be one of the top five all-around performers in the company. Well, those in WWE creative (namely Triple H and Vince McMahon themselves) are truly beginning to realize Bryan’s value as a competitor thanks to his absolute love for the sport, his overall talent, and the fact that he has the ability to make just about anyone look good in a match.

Although it is not confirmed (yet), WWE looks to be putting Bryan in the main event scene once again, and are looking at Bryan becoming the #1 contender to John Cena‘s WWE Championship at Money in the Bank next month.

The event will be taking place in Philadelphia, PA, a crowd known for being hostile and hard to please. WWE wants this match due to their plans of not only making Cena “legendary” in their words, but also to really establish Bryan as a top-tier WWE star. History has shown that when Cena is placed in main events in front of known hostile crowds, he steps up his game thanks to both the crowd and the opponents he’s given in these matches (RVD at One Night Stand ’06, and Punk at MITB ’11, for example). Because of Bryan’s skill as a performer, WWE is expecting this kind of match and atmosphere once more, which is good for everyone involved.

Even if Bryan loses (which he likely will), it won’t be the end of his road. As long as he puts in a strong performance against Cena (which will be no problem), it will really help establish his position. Many are in favour of this happening, including Cena himself, who is not only a big fan of Bryan, but was highly influential in getting Bryan rehired by WWE after the infamous Nexus angle that saw Bryan choke ring announcer Justin Roberts with his tie.

From this point, Bryan will likely move into a feud with Dolph Ziggler for the World title, and history has proven these two can deliver amazing matches. At this point, do not be surprised if Bryan walks away with the championship at some point or another.

Bryan has a lot of fans within WWE, as well as many of his peers outside of the company. He has often been compared to wrestlers like Bret Hart, Eddy Guerrero and Chris Benoit due to the fact that that he’s small yet extremely gifted in the ring. Bryan knows his strengths and knows how to maximize them while simultaneously minimizing his weaknesses. Although Bryan is one of the smallest stars in WWE, he is also one of the most well-rounded, blending a stiff striking game with flawless technical wrestling and a little bit of high-flying for good measure. Not only that, but he’s extremely charismatic and has an intensity lacking in many of the current roster.

Bryan is absolutely ready for this chance, and if WWE is smart, they will strap a rocket to his back and let him loose.

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