
Impact Results (October 18th, 2019): Big Mike sends a message; main event gets chaotic

Sami Callihan is torn over his actions but has no remorse
Sami Callihan is torn over his actions but has no remorse

This is it. The final Impact before Bound for Glory. Heading into one of Impact's biggest PPVs of the year, we've got some bad blood spilling over with several heated feuds, capped off with the Impact World Championship match.

As if Sami Callihan wasn't despicable enough, he along with oVe forced Brian Cage to watch as the Callihan Death Machine delivered a piledriver on his wife Melissa in the middle of the ring. Though he claimed the shattered bottle that broke over her head two weeks ago was an accident, what we saw on the previous Impact leads us to believe otherwise. At BFG, the World Champion will defend his gold, hoping to tear through Callihan for everything he's done.

At Bound for Glory, Ken Shamrock will make his return to Impact's wrestling ring when he faces Mr. Impact Wrestling himself, Moose. The former NFL player has harassed Shamrock and even raided his own gym, Syndicate MMA, attacking several of his pupils. With that, Moose made it personal. At Bound for Glory, Shamrock is out for blood.

Michael Elgin has all but dominated all of Impact Wrestling. The only man he hasn't conquered on the roster is Impact World Champion Brian Cage...and that's debatable depending on your definition of domination. The Unbreakable One is all about making his name bigger, and at Bound For Glory, he'll take on the legendary Naomichi Marufuji. Elgin has been tearing through opponents as of late, constantly reminding Marufuji that each match is a message to him.

All that, plus the Knockouts Champion Taya Valkyrie defending against Tenille Dashwood, a five-person ladder match for the X-Division Championship, a triple threat tag team match for the Tag Team Titles, and more!

As we headed into the final episode of Impact before BFG, we kicked off the show with a brawl between two colossi of the company, Fallah Bahh and Michael Elgin.

Michael Elgin vs Fallah Bahh w/TJP

It's a hoss fight to kick off the night!
It's a hoss fight to kick off the night!

Bahh stood strong against Elgin, keeping his feet on the ground despite some pretty powerful shoulder blocks. Elgin was caught with a body slam but avoided an elbow drop. Bahh shook off two boots to the jaw and took Big Mike down with a shoulder tackle.

Elgin was met by a running Bahh in the corner, but avoided a second attack and dumped him overhead with an exploder suplex. Bahh's head was bounced off the top turnbuckle, but he only continued to fire up and trade shots with the Unbreakable One. Elgin stunted Bahh's momentum with a big boot and running forearm strike, then dropped him in the middle of the ring with a body slam.

A superkick from Elgin rocked the big man. As he attempted a suplex, Bahh took him up for a Samoan drop. Elgin escaped, rolling him up. However, Bahh countered with a hip drop to his chest. A few palm strikes left Elgin gasping for air.

Elgin missed an enziguri attempt, but was able to send Bahh crashing into the mat after he went for a running body splash. Though, he was crushed into the mat shortly after when Bahh connected.

Back to his feet, Elgin hit the enziguri and a big boot, and bounced Bahh off the ropes to assist in a German suplex. Bahh withstood a pair of clotheslines and caught Elgin going for a third. However, Big Mike avoided Bahh's offense and took him out with a third running clothesline. Bahh kicked outat two.

The discus clothesline was countered by a Samoan Drop. Elgin was able to finish Bahh off, however, when he prevented the big man from hitting a Banzai Drop, instead burying him into the mat with an Elgin Bomb.

Results: Michael Elgin defeated Fallah Bahh via pinfall.

TJP stood up to Elgin, staring him down as Big Mike walked up the ramp. Elgin looked to the camera and said he was sending a message to Marufuji before going back inside the ring. TJP was dumped outside, and Elgin exposed the floor. A DDT bounced TJP's head off the hardwood.

Elgin then wrapped a steel chair around TJP's neck and sent him into the ring post, leaving him out cold. However, he wasn't done. A buckle bomb and a 360 Elgin Bomb left TJP broken while Bahh struggled to get to his friend.

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