
IMPACT Wrestling Bound For Glory 2020: Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Former TNA/IMPACT Champions returned at Bound For Glory tonight
Former TNA/IMPACT Champions returned at Bound For Glory tonight
"The NFL has the SuperBowl. Hollywood has The Oscars. For the next three hours, IMPACT Wrestling has Bound For Glory."
-Josh Matthews

IMPACT Wrestling's Bound For Glory was absolutely loaded with back-to-back show stealers, capped off with a hellacious main event.

Rich Swann would battle Eric Young in the Bound For Glory main event for the IMPACT World Title. We would also see the IMPACT Tag Titles defended at Bound For Glory, as the Motor City Machine Guns defended in a four-way scramble.

All that, plus the Knockouts Championship, Moose vs EC3, and more. Overall, four belts were on the line at Bound For Glory tonight.

We kicked off Bound For Glory with the X-Division Championship Six-Person Scramble. Would Rohit Raju hold onto his title, or would he lose his first IMPACT Wrestling Championship two months into his reign?

Six-Way Intergender Scramble for the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Championship at Bound For Glory: TJP vs Trey Miguel vs Chris Bey vs Jordynne Grace vs Willie Mack vs Rohit Raju (c)

Rohit Raju, of course, left the ring immediately. However, TJP, Chris Bey, and Jordynne Grace chased him back in. Everyone was so excited to hit the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champ that they were fighting each other for the chance.

Eventually TJP and Chris Bey were left on their own as Raju again left the ring. Trey Miguel hit TJP with a missile dropkick, and avoided a striking combination from Bey. A dropkick to the back of Bey's head and an inverted 619 sent Bey to the ground.

Rohit Raju tried to steal one at Bound For Glory, but when Trey blocked his attempt, he bailed once again. Willie Mack was up next, running through Trey with a leaping shoulder tackle. Grace went toe-to-toe with the other powerhouse of the bout, and managed to bring Mack down for a two-count.

Mack dropped Grace with a body slam, but was wrapped up by TJP, along with Trey Miguel and Chris Bey. That's right, TJP had a submission hold on three opponents at the same time. Two leg locks on Mack and Trey, respectively, and a headlock on Bey. Grace and Raju broke the submissions up, stomping everyone out in the ring.

Raju focused on the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion, hitting a great snap suplex on Grace. Mack pulled Grace out and finally got his hands on Raju, rocking him with a pop-up forearm. Trey, TJP and Bey rushed in, and were all laid out with some massive strikes. Rohit rolled in to try his shot at Mack, but noticed that the four other challengers were on the ropes.

They all hit Raju while Mack followed up with the Samoan Drop/standing moonsault combination. Grace then fought with TJP and Raju on the floor, but the three were taken out by a tope con hilo from Willie Mack. TJP recovered and held Trey on the apron in an electric chair. Bey hit an incredible leaping dropkick, catching Trey in the chest and sending him tumbling to the floor.

Bey hit another dive, leaving four competitors outside as Raju rolled in for a schoolboy on TJP. Raju couldn't get the win, even with the tights. Grace broke up TJP's responding pin attempt, and slapped the taste out of Trey's mouth.

Trey was left on top of a turnbuckle as Grace was stuck in the tree of woe. Bey and TJP followed each other up to Trey, and all three competitors were sent to the mat with a spider german suplex.

With Grace still in the turnbuckle, Raju hit his diving double stomp. Mack broke the pinfall just in time. Mack caught Raju with a stunner, but was dropped with The Art of Finesse. Trey hit a backflip dropkick on Bey, only to be locked din a submission by TJP.

Grace tried to break it up, and was caught in the TJP Clutch. Trey attempted to break it up, but met th same fate. Grace, free from TJP, hit the running senton. Trey and Grace were left, and Grace was able to plant Trey with the Grace Driver. 1-2-no! Raju broke the pin up.

Grace took out Mack on the floor, and Raju waited for his opportunity. TJP's Mamba Splash landed on Trey, but Raju got the pin at Bound For Glory.

Results: Rohit Raju defeated Trey Miguel via pinfall on Bound For Glory.

Grade: A

At Bound For Glory, Raju walked out with the gold, defying the odds in a fantastic opener.

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