
Impact Wrestling Results (6/29/2017): The go-home show for Slammiversary from Mumbai

An action-packed show, as always!

The show started out with a video hype package for Impact's upcoming Slammiversay PPV. After the video package, Bruce Prichard and Jeremy Borash were in the ring calling out the heels and babyfaces for their contract signings for Slammiversary.

The women of Impact finished their contract signing without any fuss, however, the men seemed extremely hostile towards each other. Hence, Bruce Prichard announced an eight-man tag team match for the main event featuring the teams of EC3, Davey Richards, and Bobby Lashley versus the team of James Storm, Eddie Edwards, and Alberto El Patron. 

After the segment, there were video packages featuring Kongo Kong, Swoggle, and Rockstar Spud. In this week’s episode, Swoggle was to face Rockstar Spud in a Mumbai Street Fight.

Back in the Impact Zone, they showed a video package chronicling the rivalry between Sonjay Dutt and Low Ki. 

#1 Trevor Lee & Low Ki vs. Matt Sydal & Sonjay Dutt

Lee got the upper hand on Dutt for a few minutes at the start of the match before Dutt hit the Flying Headscissors for a two count. Sydal got in and along with Dutt, and double-teamed on Lee. The Californian Caveman finally got away from Sydal and tagged in Low Ki; the latter worked on Sydal, occasionally pausing to taunt Dutt. After he'd heard enough of Low Ki's taunts, Dutt got in the ring and took out both Low Ki and Lee before hitting stereo moonsault with Sydal. 

Sydal tried hitting the sunset flip on Low Ki, but the former X-Division Champion countered it with a double stomp. Sydal hit a leg lariat and made a hot tag to Dutt, who cleared the house. Dutt escaped a German Suplex attempt from Lee but got knocked out with a big right forearm.

Low Ki tagged in and hit Sydal to lure him into the ring. Lee charged in and blindsided Sonjay; Low Ki proceeded to attack Dutt, but the latter manoeuvred his way out and tagged in Sydal. Sydal hit the Meteora on Lee before hitting him with a spinning kick. 

Low Ki tried to interfere, but Dutt knocked him out onto the outside, thus allowing Sydal to hit the Shooting Star Press for the win. 

Result: Matt Sydal & Sonjay Dutt def. Trevor Lee & Low Ki

A video package of DeAngelo Williams training for his in-ring debut at Slammiversary was aired next. 

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