
Impact Wrestling Results (August 9th, 2019): Several titles on the line, Rhino officially returns to Impact

The North looked to end LAX once and for all tonight
The North looked to end LAX once and for all tonight

From start to finish, this week's edition of Impact was full of...well...nonstop action! The X-Division Championship, Knockouts Championship, and Impact Tag Team Championship were all on the line tonight in a two-hour extravaganza dripping in gold.

Taya Valkyrie has been haunted by the returning monster, Havok, who quickly found herself in line for a title shot. The former Knockouts Champion has had her sights set on the gold since she came back earlier this year. Tonight, Valkyrie's plan on running comes to an end, as she is forced to put her belt on the line.

The North have been incredible since defeating LAX last month for the Impact Tag Team Titles. Last week, they defeated the Rascalz in an absolute barn burner of a match, and Ethan Page & Josh Alexander only seem to be getting started. Tonight, Ortiz and Konnan look for revenge as Daga steps in to fill Santana's shoes while he's out injured, as The North defend their titles in the main event.

We kicked off the night with a fantastic X-Division Title match. Last week, Aiden Prince won a multi-man match to earn a shot at the title. Tonight, he cashed in his opportunity, taking on the newly crowned champion, oVe's Jake Crist.

X-Division Championship: Aiden Prince vs Jake Crist (c)

Aiden Prince earned an incredible opportunity last week and looked to reap the benefits ASAP
Aiden Prince earned an incredible opportunity last week and looked to reap the benefits ASAP

Prince got a huge ovation and chant from the Impact crowd tonight and managed to bring the champion down to the mat first. A snapmare into a side headlock gave him first blood in the match. Crist escaped but was taken down by a crescent kick. As he rolled outside, Prince went in for a dive but was met by a roundhouse.

On the apron, Prince was dropped neck first by a death valley driver. Back inside the ring, he kicked out at two. A Russian leg sweep into the Koji Clutch left Prince in a tough battle in the middle of the ring. He managed to break the hold, but a boot from the Golden Draw left him in a daze back on the mat.

Crist met Prince as he got back to his feet, trading a series of right hands. Crist got the better of him, taking him into the corner and washing his challenger's face with multiple elbows. A back body drop saw Prince nearly land on his neck, with fans booing Crist for attacking their hometown hero.

Prince was left in the corner again, but avoided a running clothesline in the corner. Crist quickly responded with a series of kicks, all landing perfectly on the jaw of Prince, finishing it with a spinning back kick. Prince, somehow, managed to break out of the pinfall.

Crist blocked a slingshot flatliner from Prince, placing him up top. Prince connected with the spinning flatliner from there, however, planting the champion on his face. The 450 Splash failed, though, as Crist picked his knees up. Prince broke out of the pinfall and blocked the Buckeye Drop. A reverse hurricanrana spiked Crist again, but he refused to give up his title, kicking out at two.

Prince was met by a superkick but avoided another roundhouse. However, as he ran at Crist, he was tossed into the corner with a snap powerslam. He rolled outside, being followed by the champion. It was part of the plan, as he took Crist out with a hurricanrana from the apron and a suicide dive. Another dive from the top nearly proved to be his downfall, as he was met by yet another superkick, with Crist hitting him right on the button.

Prince beat the ten count, barely, and was immediately rolled up in a cradle. He kicked out, much to the ire of Crist. Crist took Prince up top once again. The superplex connected, but Prince blocked the roll through and connected wit a brainbuster. This time, the 450 Splash hit, but Crist was able to kick out.

Crist caught Prince leaping off the top rope with the Crist Cutter for the win and a successful title defense.

Results: Jake Crist defeated Aiden Prince via pinfall.

Backstage, Konnan was talking over the LAX situation with Daga. The legend said that Ortiz will come around, he just has a hard time trusting people. Ortiz came in at this point, and it seemed that the two men finally buried the hatchet. Ortiz and Daga will challenge the North for the tag titles later on in the night.

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