
IMPACT Wrestling Results (February 3rd, 2020): Valkyrie vs Blanchard for the World Title; Su Yung attempts to send Havok to the Undead Realm

Tessa Blanchard & Taya Valkyrie reignite their incredible rivalry tonight
Tessa Blanchard & Taya Valkyrie reignite their incredible rivalry tonight

Over the past 365 days, IMPACT Wrestling has strived to make history and break the mold. We've seen the rise of the "XXX-Division Champion" Ace Austin, the crowning and dominant reign of The North (Ethan Page & Josh Alexander), and the strange yet captivating story of Rosemary, Su Yung, and Havoc.

However, two wrestlers that have stepped up more than any other in IMPACT are the World Champion Tessa Blanchard and the former, and longest, Knockouts Champion in the company's history, Taya Valkyrie. The Undeniable One and Wera Loca have a long and storied rivalry in IMPACT, and Valkyrie was actually the one to end Blanchard's last run as Knockouts Champion.

Tonight, these two enemies will go to war for the IMPACT World Championship.

The North faced quite a tough challenge in tonight's oppener
The North faced quite a tough challenge in tonight's oppener

The North vs TJP & Fallah Bahh

Bahh was taken to the North's corner but fought out easily thanks to his brute strength. With Alexander sent to the floor, Page was easy pickings for Bahh and TJP, who ran him down with a jawbreaker/running crossbody combination.

Alexander would manage to tag Page but was immediately dropped with a body slam. Bahh picked up TJP for a super heavy body splash, earning them a two-count. However, as TJP bounced off the ropes, he was held in place by Page, allowing Alexander to get the upperhand.

The North's Murder-Go-Round nearly drove TJP through the middle of the ring. The IMPACT Tag Team Champions continued to dominate the former X-Division Champion with tremendous feats of strength. A stalling suplex, where Page handed TJP off to Alexander, gave the champs a near fall.

TJP eventually managed to get to Bahh following a beautiful tornado DDT. Alexander tagged in as well but was quickly crushed by Bahh. A running hip attack in the corner followed by a Samoan Drop left the Walking Weapon in a heap of trouble.

Luckily for Alexander, Page caught him coming off the ropes, saving him from certain doom. Alexander struck Bahh repeatedly, but it only served to pump up the big guy. A pop-up sit-out powerbomb would've won the match, but Page broke it up. 

Page managed to break up Poetry in Motion, and a stiff right hand nearly knocked TJP out cold. A double spinebuster almost spelt the end for TJP, but he was able to just barely kick out. Bahh rushed in and was caught by a cutter before getting hammered with superkicks and elbows.

As The North set up for the Monster Mash, TJP leapt in for a roll-up on Alexander, securing the victory.

Results: TJP & Fallah Bahh defeated the North via pinfall.

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