
IMPACT Wrestling Results (January 7th, 2019): Sami Callihan gears up for title defense at Hard to Kill, ODB and Jordynne Grace butt heads

Sami Callihan ominously looks into his future at Hard to Kill
Sami Callihan ominously looks into his future at Hard to Kill

It's been three long weeks since the last episode of IMPACT Wrestling. With only a few days until the first PPV of the year, Hard to Kill, the company had a lot to do to remind us how we got here and what's next.

Mixed in with the show were short highlight packages showing us what was in store at Hard to Kill. However, we got an incredible teaser for the event courtesy of IMPACT's resident Hardcore Hero.

Prior to IMPACT kicking off, Eddie Edwards and Michael Elgin began to brawl. The company got some footage up on AXSTV's Twitter account before the show even started. The former World Champion stated that he and Big Mike didn't need to wait for Hard To Kill, opting to face off tonight instead.

Eddie Edwards vs Michael Elgin

With a referee in the ring, the match officially began when Elgin dumped Edwards in the ring. The Unbreakable One absolutely demolished Edwards to start it off. However, Elgin was launched overhead with a belly-to-belly suplex, putting Edwards back on the offensive.

Elgin, though, wasn't on his back for long, smashing Edwards in the chops and cutting off all momentum with a clothesline. An overhead choke toss bounced Edwards off the mat, giving Elgin a nearfall. Back to his feet, Edwards met Elgin with a stiff clothesline and countered a dragon suplex and uranage slam with a pair of arm drags. A suplex took the big man down again.

A top rope hurricanrana connected, but Elgin quickly rose to his feet. He was planted in the middle of the ring, however, with a Blue Thunder Bomb. It only earned Edwards a two-count. Elgin caught Edwards running in with a one armed uranage, following up with a series of running splashes in the corner and a falcon arrow. Edwards kicked out at two.

Elgin blasted Edwards with some strong style lariats to the neck, which only seemed to fire the Hardcore Hero up. Both men traded chops and forearms. Elgin spiked Edwards with a German suplex, but Edwards managed to use the momentum to bounce off the ropes for a Boston Knee Party!

As we returned from the commercial break, Edwards landed another Boston Knee Party, but couldn't put Elgin away. As Edwards set up for something else, he was clobbered with a discus forearm, seemingly knocking him out. However, he was only playing possum, catching Elgin with a discus lariat and a Tiger Bomb for the nearfall!

Elgin took Edwards to the top rope but was tossed across the ring with a sunset flip powerbomb. He rose back to his feet and spiked Edwards with yet another German suplex, finally hitting the running lariat for a two-count. The Elgin Bomb was countered, leading to a crossface from the big man. Edwards turned it into a pinfall, but Elgin kicked out.

Finally, a buckle bomb and the Elgin Bomb put Edwards down for good.

Results: Michael Elgin defeated Eddie Edwards via pinfall.

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