
IMPACT Wrestling Results (July 7th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Josh Alexander sending a message to Ken Shamrock
Josh Alexander sending a message to Ken Shamrock

We're a little over a week away from IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary! Amid a pandemic and some other issues, IMPACT Wrestling has put together an incredible card for July 18th. Still, there's a lot more to build to before we get there.

Ken Shamrock found a surprising ally in Sami Callihan last week. With The Draw backing up the World's Most Dangerous Man, is The North's IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Title reign in jeopardy? Callihan faced Josh Alexander in singles action tonight.

Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie, now dubbed by myself as the Demon Valkyries, teamed up to take on Kylie Rae and Susie tonight. Rosemary and Valkyrie both have some serious history with Susie.

Well...with the alternate personality of Susie. Would they bring out Su Yung tonight? We kicked off IMPACT Wrestling with that tag team match!

IMPACT Wrestling Opener: Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie vs Susie & Kylie Rae

This isn't the kind of reunion we're used to seeing between these two
This isn't the kind of reunion we're used to seeing between these two

Rosemary taunted Susie in the beginning, calling her an idiotic little child. The Demon Assassin missed a Stinger Splash in the corner, and was sent overhead with a monkey flip. Susie rolled up Rosemary with a crucifix pinfall for a series of near falls.

Susie was slapped across the face, stumbling into her corner. Kylie Rae tagged in, leading to a trip up from Rae. Rosemary fell to a strong right from Susie, tagging out to Taya Valkyrie.

Kylie Rae brought down the former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion with a snapmare into a headlock. Rae transitioned into the STF, but Valkyrie made it to the ropes. Susie tagged back in, and the smiling duo dropped Valkyrie with a double bulldog for a two-count.

Rosemary caught Susie coming into the ropes with a kick, allowing Valkyrie to take over. Rosemary tagged in for a big boot/German suplex combination. Susie kicked out at two. Rosemary trapped Susie in the Upside Down while tagging in Taya Valkyrie.

Valkyrie connected with the running double knees, nearly knocking out Susie. She was able to tag in Kylie Rae, though, and the Smiling Knockout managed to take on both Vaklyrie & Rosemary by herself. A heel trip sent Rosemary into the corner where Rae followed up with a cannonball senton.

Sadly there were some technical difficulties during the Twitch stream. However, Kylie Rae did manage to pick up the win with the Smile to the Finish.

Results: Kylie Rae & Susie defeated Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary via submission.

Grade: B-

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